Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tropical Surprise

My honeymoon to Jamaica left me with an unwanted tropical surprise...hookworm. I have had a rash on my foot for about a month now but I kept chalking it up to athlete's foot (courtesy of Colton, of course). After about four weeks of itching and no real progress in the healing department, I decided to see my family doctor. His diagnosis (after much ogling of my foot) was...hookworm. Gross! He had never seen anything like it so he even took pictures of my foot. I was the mystery case of the day, to say the least. Luckily for me, it had kept its travels to my foot. If they can, they try to get up to your trachea and then you swallow them. They attach themselves to your small intestine and suck your blood. Yuck! I took my five tropical pills today and that sucker is dead!

Colton has decided 100% he wants to move to Lubbock and start his own practice. I am very excited about this. We are going to be in Lubbock this weekend and while there we will look at potential spots for his new office. We may also (if I have any say) look at neighborhoods where we might like to live. I took the day off tomorrow to officially change my name and we will be heading to Lubbock after lunch.

I have to say my wifey skills are on the rise. I made chicken fried steak last week, chicken kiev Sunday, and stuffed shells last night...all from scratch. It is funny how proud I feel for simply cooking a good meal. Oh well...I guess what they say it true. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach! ;)

Much love,


  1. you need to post RECIPES so the rest of us can be good wives too!! I am so excited ya'll are moving to Lubbock!!! Another friend, YAY!!!!

  2. Ha Monica! I will soon. I am very excited to move to lubbock. it will be fun to reconnect!
